FlexBuild 3.0

FlexBuild is a cross platform C/C++ daily build system
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3.0 See all
FlexSoft Inc.
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FlexBuild is a cross platform C/C++ daily build system, it hides the system/compiler details, make it clean and easy to build your software.
Daily build is your friend! With FlexBuild, you do not need modify Visual C++ project options one by one, do not need manitain dozens of .vcproj/.sln/.ncb/.aps/.user/.xcode.

One command, all releases! With FlexBuild, you do not need manual build/release your software, let's FlexBuild to do the borning build task.

FlexBuild uses compiler/system indepent project description file: .fp to compile C/C++ project. Only need ONE .fp file to compile a target. .fp is a special makefile, you can edit it in textedit or generate by mkfp utility.

FlexBuild build-in supports Visual C++ 6.0, Visual C++ 2003, Visual C++ 2005, Visual C++ 2008, Visual C++ 2010, mingw, and easy to support other compilers.



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